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Frequently Asked Questions

  • 何歳から始められますか?
    一般クラスは中学生からです。 Q: From what age can I begin practice? A: Our regular practice starts from Jr. High School age.
  • 武道経験が全くありませんが大丈夫ですか?
    合気道を基本としていますので、老若男女問わず誰でも出来ます。初心者クラスで基本動作から優しく指導しますのでご心配いりません。 Q: Is it OK that I don't have any previous martial arts experience? A: Absolutely yes. Since our practice is based on Aikido, anyone, regardless of their age gender or physical capabillities can practice with us. Please don't be concerned as we will teach you the basic movements gently starting in our beginner's class.
  • 道着は必要ですか?
    小学生以上は入門時に智誠館名刺繍入り道着をご購入していただきます。もし以前武道をやっておられて道着をお持ちの場合は、その道着に智誠館名刺繍を入れていただきます。組手の稽古がありますので、空手の道着は不向きです。 Q: Do I need to wear a Dogi? A: Yes. When anyone who is Elementary School aged or older joins Chiseikan, they will be asked to purchase a dogi that has the Chiseikan name embroidered on it. If you have been doing martial arts before and already have a dogi, you will be asked to embroider the Chiseikan name on that dogi. Because we have a number of techniques that require a stronger Dogi material a light dogi (such as a karate dogi) is not suitable for our practices and will not be allowed.
  • 体力に自信がなく運動が苦手ですが出来ますか?
    試合もなく自分のペースで出来ますので、運動の苦手な人でも大丈夫です。ただし、医者から運動制限されている方はご遠慮いただいております。 Q: I'm not confident about my physical strength and I'm not very good at exercising. Will I be able to participate in your practices? A: Yes, you can with us at your own pace. Because we don't have any competitive tournaments, even people who are not good at physical exercise can join us. However, if a doctor or physician has recommended that you refrain from physical exercise, it is not possible to join our practices.
  • 入会前に見学や体験が出来ますか?
    見学は稽古時であればいつでも可能です(上級クラス以外)。体験は初心者のクラスを予約をしていただいて有料(2,000円)で可能です。体験時には動きやすい服装と飲み物をご持参下さい。 Q: Can I participate in a trial class or watch a practice session prior to joining your Dojo? A: Yes, watching any practice session (except for black belt classes) is possible any time that we are training. Trial classes (beginner level only) are also available for a fee (2,000 yen). If you do join our trial class, please wear comfortable clothes and bring your own drink.
  • 何語で稽古していますか?
    基本的には日本語ですが、生徒さんの国籍によって英語でも教えています。 Q: In what language do you practice? A: The base language we use to teach is Japanese, but when there are people from different nationalities practicing with us, we also integrate English into these classes.
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